Review: Approval Ready Consulting

There's no pricing available, so you can't be sure they'll suit your budget before you use them
  • Writers
  • Company trust
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Customer service


Should you use Approval Ready Consulting to get your essay written and ready? From what we saw, we can’t recommend them. There’s no pricing available, so you can’t be sure they’ll suit your budget before you use them. Plus, the writing quality left a lot to be desired. It’s a good idea not to use this service and find a better one.

Top Essay Services in UK

More Review look like a very professional academic writing group. They look great, but are they the people to turn to if you need help with an essay? Read this review to find out.


Who are the writers who work for this company? At the moment, there are just under 50 writers on the team, 7 of whom are from the UK. There are 13 writers with Masters degrees, and 4 with PhDs. 50 is a small number of writers to have on staff, when the average is about 100. If you order with them, it’s less likely that you’re going to get an expert in your subject.
Rating: 3/5

Company trust

You’ve got to be sure you trust this company with your data when you order with them. When you buy, you’re handing over quite a lot of personal data. Are you sure that your privacy will be respected when you buy with them? After all, many companies are happy to sell on your data. You need to look for trust signals in order to know you’re safe. On this site you won’t see a privacy policy, but you will see a physical address, which is a step in the right direction.
Rating: 3/5


This company looks good, and they say they can give you just what you need. However, can you be sure ApprovalReadyConsulting are able to handle your needs? We’ve been going over samples of their work to see what they can do for you.
Reading their work, it’s clear that some of their writers aren’t as experienced in writing essays as you would think they are. We saw essays that were missing crucial things, such as citations. You need your essay to be as perfect as possible, so you can be sure that you’ll get the best grade. Will you get that here?
Rating: 3/5

Price order form

When looking at writing sites, you’ll often see that you can use a price calculator in order to get a quote. This is helpful when you’re just shopping around. We would use this to get an average quote for you, but we weren’t able to do that here. To get a price, you’ll need to actually place an order. Also, you’ll see that there’s no first-time customer discount here, or additional services.
Rating: 2/5

Customer service

The customer support team is on hand to help you, if you’re thinking of ordering or if you have an order already in progress. They’ll talk to you any hour of the day or night. However, we saw customers complaining that when you get in touch, it takes a long time to get a response back.
Rating: 3/5


Should you use Approval Ready Consulting to get your essay written and ready? From what we saw, we can’t recommend them. There’s no pricing available, so you can’t be sure they’ll suit your budget before you use them. Plus, the writing quality left a lot to be desired. It’s a good idea not to use this service and find a better one.

Overall rating: 14/25

41 thoughts on “Review: Approval Ready Consulting

  • Lol, they actually aren’t from Kenya at all. This business is based in the US. I used to work with the guy who runs this place. I can see why you would believe that it is a Kenyan run shop, though. The guy that runs it is an idiot. He was at Precision Consulting. He was one of their best. When I say best, I mean best at getting money, not at getting work completed. Then he helped start Optimum Research Consulting. He then left there and went off on his own. There is basically this band of people who originally came from the Precision Consulting bunch and they started Optimum because they could make more on their own than working at PCC. They all learned the Precision way and follow Precision’s methods. Its a mess.

  • Here’s some updates on my experience refuting charges: 1. i first got rejected by Paypal, so I escalated it to my credit card. 2. After 1 month, the CC said the charges were VALID! It seems like a great business where anyone can claim to be able to write doctoral papers and turn in total sh*t with no consequence!

    If anyone reading has contracted with them, make sure to message ASAP to cancel. Once you get a paper, seems youre screwed.

  • Lost all the amount paid. Both PayPal and banking companies are citing the NDA agreement and asking for any refund policy . Please stay away from this company.

    you can reach out to paypal @8882211161 8888839770 with case id’s, you can get paypal case id’s from your bank it starts with PP-D-xxxx-xxxx. If you have multiple disputes you will get multiple case ids.Prior to call send all the documents to
    [email protected].

  • Has ARC tried to sue any you guys for leaving reviews online? I think its odd there are so few negative reviews – or any reviews in general.

  • To anyone who has used this service and is dissatisfied:
    I am pursuing this company for fraud and misrepresenting their service. I encourage anyone who feels they have been victimized by this company to try these steps as soon as possible:

    1. file disputes with any payment vendor you used, even if it has been a while. Paypal for example, allows 180 days and my credit card has allowed me to open a dispute after 30 days. This isn’t guaranteed, but if more people dispute, it will be a clear sign to payment processors that this company is doing something wrong and could lead to other actions against them.

    2. Prepare all your documents in advance and submit with the dispute or have ready in the event your dispute is challenged. Your evidence should include an objective telling of what happened. Dont exaggerate or be emotional. Make sure you get important dates and information from the emails you received. Any drafts you received, review those and identify their deficiencies and explain why they could not be submitted or failed to meet the standard ARC promised. This is ultimately to demonstrate that their service could not meet your needs and was misrepresented, thus fraud at the onset.

    3. Understand the entity: this is NOT a NY company. They mislead on their website and LinkedIn profiles to appear more reputable. They are renting a virtual office, which you can verify from searching the address in google. For $19.95 you can have a virtual office there too. If you review your NDA, you will also see they refer to the laws of WY – not NY (last page). Reason many do business in WY is to avoid state income tax and benefit from LLC protections that make it possible to hide owner identity to escape litigation. I am reporting this to the NY and WY Secretary of State Consumer Protection divisions and also NY Dept of Tax and Finance if there is a claim to tax evasion. They also are only going by ARC as a dba – the real name i believe here:
    The name here would be a registered agent, which can easily be hired for such purposes. Googling this business name will lead to ARC though. I am confident this is the same company. This means, if you pursue litigation, you will need to hire a WY attorney. I have not found any bonafide business presence in NY.

    4. Better Business Bureau ARC currently has no reviews or history with BBB. Others need to know about it. BBB is an effective tool for mediating and alerting the public to cases like this. You can search both ARC and AAC (WY) and file the complaint. Again, be objective and stick to facts such as those from your dispute. You may have an easier time getting a refund this way if your payment disputes don’t work out. More importantly, you are potentially saving others from this crap.

    Bonus: Understand their threats of legal retaliation are scare tactics. Your “NDA” says you own what they gave you. This is a contract dispute. However, their contract has no provisions for disputes, quality, timelines, etc so is deficient in those regards. These are areas you can argue and your emails from Kay/whoever can also be considered warranties and representations of the service given the contract is moot on specifics. Their one defense would be if you used their paper(s) and it was accepted to satisfy your requirements. If that happened, youre probably not reading this anyway, and you are one of the rarely satisfied customers that got something they paid for. Myself: the draft I received was rejected, they wouldn’t/couldn’t fix it after over a month and couldnt even show they were working on it. All I received was 100% unusable.

    Hope this helps. If you have any questions, reply to this post and I will check in.

    • Hi Did you received any money back I raised dispute and its still ongoing they threatened me and paypal never responded back to me still waiting form my credit card company and paypal.
      I posted several reviews online wherever possible. Even in BBB still people are falling for their scam

      • I filed a dispute with paypal and my credit card for the two payments i made (second was cause they held the draft hostage). It doesn’t seem paypal even looked at my supporting documents, because they closed one and another is open. Luckily, my credit card is more responsible and they don’t want to get stuck with me not paying their bills, so they are still reviewing my case. I expect that the CC will work out but I’m staying on top of things.

        I had the same threats you had. They seem to put more effort into threatening than doing the work they are hired to do. They threatened for reviews and threatened for disputes. I didn’t reply or give two turds about it. They operate out of an apartment and don’t even have their own writers as far as I can tell. Their “legal department” is probably Gulliani or an app on the Google play store.

  • If you want to get your degree and graduate safely, you should avoid this company. I regret so much that I trusted this company and entrusted it with my work. They haven’t finished my project and the quality of the work is too basic. They say that the person who did my work came from a good school, and that seems to be a lie. (I saw the Alumni list on the school’s website, but I couldn’t find the person’s name.) It’s the worst thing in my life that I’ve ever met this company. I would like to get a refund if possible. If anyone knows how to get a refund, please let me know. Can I get my money back if I request the bank for a dispute?

  • Approval ready consulting is a pure Kenyan scam. These people cannot write and would gladly try to take your money affront knowing that the moment you see the work, you will NEVER finish the journey with them. Make sure they prove themselves first before paying them. If you have to pay affront any fee, make sure it is not more than $1 because I guarantee they will deliver a product less than that. If you are in a reputable school that pursues deep education and NOT cheap schooling (Cornell West, 2019), you will agree with me.

  • This company is a SCAM!!! I am from the US. I was so scared to pay or work with anyone and I CANNOT BELIVE I GOT SCAMMED! Kaye – she was the one i spoke with. She told me how passionate she was about my topic and how she had personal experience in my field LOL. She lied!!!!! I found photos of her on the internet, totally not who she seemed. Then told me she was giving me a discount. I really should have known by the way she typed, but I spoke with her and it was an amazing conversation. She barely responded to my emails, they changed my whole topic, research questions, etc. The work was very bare minimum. I never got to communicate with whoever was doing the writing/editing. She had an excuse everytime I reached out. Then told me her staff got COVID and she swore she told me. She is a liar, they are liars, and i am sooooo heartbroken by this experience. It has set me back financially and academically. I wish I read these reviews before I went forward but you live and you learn. Guys please take my advice, dont do it to yourself. I am planning on trying dissertation docs? interested in any others with good reps.

    • I got scammed for $5000 kay Smithe cheated me and when I raised a dispute with the credit card company they threatened. I didn’t give a damn about it. When I first contacted them not enough reviews online, now you can find their scam everywhere. They will send ND agreement. Solomon Lane is the mastermind behind this scam, He works as an insurance agent at the University of Washington. I am going to file a complaint with UW and pursue a legal case against them. Don’t go with any online website try studypool.

      • I too got scammed from Kay Smithe can we talk about a class action law suit? I believe there are lots of people who got scammed by this person
        Suzanne Phillips

      • I got scammed by them for $1,000 back in July. They did not even deliver 10% of what was promised. I also want to pursue a legal case against them but I am outside the US, any advice please?

      • I just signed up with this company over a week ago and since then I have not had any communication with them. I have paid them $1800 already which is a lot and took me forever to save. Now I am seeing all these poor reviews and I’m scared I made a poor choice. I didn’t want to even hire an editing company but I was having a hard time getting passed one section in my dissertation so I broke down. Now I am regretting it because it seems like I fell for these crooks. If you start a class action suit please let me know.

        • best advice is to contact asap and cancel the work. they likely wont refund voluntarily. you can file a dispute with your cc/paypal much easier though. once they send you something, they will claim their performed their service. then they will threaten to sue you if you try to get your money back. it’ll just keep going on until you break under pressure or they run out the clock on the dispute window.

        • Teresa, How did it go. Did you get any help from them? Please update if you have positive/negative feedback.

      • Hi Ricky, I have a similar story and would love to share and see how your situation worked out. marikacram at protonmail

      • Ricky,

        What is the update for your legal case against them? I was the victim too way back on February of 2020 and I file a complaint against them in April of 2021 at BBB. The funny thing was, Solomon is trying to contact me and responded to my concern after more than 2 years, and providing information that is not true and Solomon address me with a different name. All the issue that they are addressing was not mine. If any of you would like to file a case against them, please let me know. I will be interested.


      • Ricky Martin,
        I just want to know if you get your money back? I know it is been 3 years now, but I just want to know what happen because, after 2 years since I file a complaint in BBB, they are contacting me and complying with my claim.


    • Your story is the same as mine. Can we get all these people together and file a class action law suite against them?
      Did you get a refund?

  • @Ronald , you will losse your money and the work is going never going to get completed .try to get refund which is impossible as there is no refund policy in place with these crooks. Your only option is dispute the transaction before its too late

  • Very unethical people. They will take advantage of the situation the entire work of full of plagiarism and they want me to pay additional amount for completing the work .I don’t Have a way to get my money as they waited till the dispute period of credit card is expired and now they want me to pay more as I cant dispute my previous transactions.

  • Beware of this scammers. They are s joke of writers. They take your money and can’t do the job. If you have them your money consider it lost because they are not up to the task.

  • Wow… I just talked to someone from this company. someone named Jason Luther from England. Not sure if he is legit but the cost is $1500 per chapter and it’s a week turn around time per chapter. $7500 for five chapters total.

  • Hello Johnny,

    Could you share more details about this company like who did you deal with and did they deliver on-time?
    Also how much did they charge you?


  • If you are a company that makes suggestions about writing help please place a huge beware for Approval Ready Consulting. I used these people and they are not qualified to call themselves reviewers, writers, editors. If I knew a way to have my money refunded I would ask for it back. I have all of the submissions from them and the brutal reviews from my committee members to prove how ineffective they are. They should be barred. not allowed to advertise or present themselves. They are a sham. I may not can get my money back but I have a loud voice with evidence of their work, if I can help someone not to make the same mistake that I made that’s my mission here

    • Hi Johnny, I have hired these people to help me with my proposal. Your feedback scared the hell out me. I have already paid half the money and they won’t let me eval the quality of their work!

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